16 January 2025

Happy (belated) 20th Birthday to Shaun of the Dead!
I started work on this Shaun set last year, in plenty of time for it’s anniversary, but other stuff came up and it got sidelined. I always like to get a creative project completed before the end of January so here we are, unfashionably late to the celebrations.
I was (and still am) a massive fan of Spaced, as well as zombie movies in general, so when Shaun came out it was a dream come true. 20 years on I think it stands up very well indeed. And like the Romero movies it pays tribute to, it says more about human nature in the face of otherworldly threats than all the episodes of The Walking Dead combined.
This is my 48th Little Portrait set (not including the Halloween ones) so I’m thinking hard about what comes next.
I started work on this Shaun set last year, in plenty of time for it’s anniversary, but other stuff came up and it got sidelined. I always like to get a creative project completed before the end of January so here we are, unfashionably late to the celebrations.
I was (and still am) a massive fan of Spaced, as well as zombie movies in general, so when Shaun came out it was a dream come true. 20 years on I think it stands up very well indeed. And like the Romero movies it pays tribute to, it says more about human nature in the face of otherworldly threats than all the episodes of The Walking Dead combined.
This is my 48th Little Portrait set (not including the Halloween ones) so I’m thinking hard about what comes next.

All content © Andrew Waugh 2024